
Moving Homes is Easy With These 10 Easy Tips

Here are the best tips for planning your next move. Everything is there to help you organize and facilitate this project.

Moving homes can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! Prepare early and you won’t have to break a sweat (that is, until you have to carry that big couch to the moving truck).
To execute a flawless move, make sure to follow these 10 tips we’ve learned over the years.

1. Get your agenda

Know what to expect: that is the #1 rule for a successful move. Write down important dates and deadlines in an agenda or calendar as soon as you know the move-in date. Here are a few worth mentioning:

  • The move-in date (of course!)
  • Request estimates from professional movers (as soon as possible)
  • Notify institutions and service providers of your new address (1 month prior to the move)
  • Dedicate 1 or 2 weekends to go through your stuff and donate/recycle/get rid of what you no longer need (a few weeks prior to the move)
  • Contact Hydro-Québec and your internet and TV provider to transfer services to your new home (2 weeks prior to the move)

Planning ahead of time lets you visualize and space out the items on your to-do list over time. The last thing you want is to run out of time and scramble to get everything done a week or two before the big day!

2. Get (or hire) some help

If you intend to hire professional movers, contact them as soon as you can, especially if you’re moving on July 1st or near the 1st of any given month. Otherwise, you might have to review your plans or move on another day… which could be problematic for the people moving into your old home.

The same goes for renting moving trucks. And don’t forget to call friends and family for help!

3. Share your new address

Here’s one of our best tips: during the 3 months preceding your move, list everyone who’s sending you paper mail. Use this opportunity to review whether you still wish to receive that kind of mail. You could also switch to email depending on the sender. If not, use your list of senders to let them know that you’re moving.

Don’t forget to notify the following institutions:

  • Canada Revenue Agency and other federal organizations
  • Provincial organizations via the Quebec online address change service
  • Your bank, financial and credit institutions as well as insurance providers
  • Your employer
  • School, college, or university if applicable
  • Your doctor and other health care professionals

For more peace of mind, Canada Post can automatically forward your mail to your new address for a nominal fee.

4. Take some time to clean your home

This might sound counterintuitive since you’re about to pack everything into boxes. But here’s the thing: what if you didn’t have to pack your entire home?

The more things you own, the harder your move will get. Get rid of stuff and you’ll have fewer things to pack, lift, and move around.

You could spend a weekend or two going through your things. Sell unwanted furniture. Donate books, gently used clothes and duplicate kitchen tool. Throw away items you can’t recycle. And most importantly: consider donating furniture pieces in good shape to charities (some can even pick it up at your house for free).

5. Plan ahead for pre-move renos

Thinking about painting walls or getting nice hardwood floors in the living room of your new home? Make sure you know how that will impact your move. Will you have to store some furniture elsewhere while the work is being completed? Can you complete the renos before your move-in date? If so, get estimates from contractors and agree on clear deadlines.

6. Set up a system

We said it earlier: organization is key when it comes to moving. However, there isn’t a single one-for-all solution to get organized.

Some people swear by labels and colour-coded stickers. Others prefer to keep track of everything in a single notebook. Every organizational system can work as long as it works for you!

7. Coordinate service providers

A few weeks before the move, contact Hydro-Québec as well as your internet and TV providers to transfer service to your new home on time… because no one appreciates service interruptions! Don’t forget to call a gas distributor if your next home runs on it.

8. Identify key boxes and items

Survival hack: once you start packing, gather essential items in a few boxes that you will clearly mark to that effect. On moving day, put those boxes in the same spot. That way, you won’t spend hours looking for toothbrushes or utensils!

9. Get free moving boxes

Looking for moving boxes? Consider plastic storage bins (“Rubbermaid” style): they’re durable and stackable. You can also get cardboard boxes from shipping and truck rental companies. Professional movers could also supply cardboard or plastic moving totes.

Pro tip: go to the grocery store and ask a staff member if they have cardboard boxes to spare (they almost assuredly do!). There’s a good chance they’ll give you boxes of various sizes for free.

10. Don’t forget to breathe!

Moving homes can be tedious, time-consuming and nerve-wracking. That’s okay! Take a deep breath and don’t give in to stress!

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